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Department of Physics

Educational Outreach

Information on the bursaries available for schools attending our free events.

Financial support for travel and teacher cover costs for schools to attend physics events in Cambridge.

The Cavendish Laboratory Outreach Office runs many FREE events throughout the year for students and teachers to attend. Schools can apply for bursaries to attend any of these events.

Available Bursaries & Criteria


1. Up to £500 for travel provided for schools that are in POLAR4 quintiles 1,2, or 3

2. Up to £1500 for any state school that organises a coach for their school and at least one other


3. Lesson cover up to £300 for schools in quintiles 1 or 2 in the POLAR4 survey

To claim the bursaries schools will be asked to raise one invoice for the total cost of travel and cover to the Cavendish Laboratory.

Receipts for travel must be sent with the school invoice as proof of cost unless minibus mileage is being claimed. (We cannot pay coach companies directly).

Accommodation & Food

FREE accommodation, dinner and/or lunch can be provided by Churchill College for state schools travelling more than 120 miles to attend a Cavendish event. Accommodation and meals are subject to availability and only available for specific dates and events due to University Term. (See Physics at Work). Please contact Dr Nicki Humphrey-Baker if you have any questions.

Teachers' Feedback

'Their experiences on the day really opened their eyes to the possibilities of studying at Cambridge and the benefits of studying Physics.'