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Department of Physics

Educational Outreach

Links to the posters for previous years' CPC Lecture Programmes




20th October

Seeing the Invisible - The Dark Matter Puzzle

Dr Tina Potter

12th November

Seeing with Atoms Dr Andrew Jardine

10th December

Eyes in the Sky: Spotting Millimetre-scale Movements from Space Dr Sakthy Selvakumaran 



19th January

Plastic Planet

Dr Claire Barlow

9th February

Ripples from the Dark Side of the Universe Prof. Jim Hough
16th March

Making the Solar Orbiter

Jessica  Marshall



Tuesday 8th  October

The Climate Change Emergency

Dr Emily Shuckburgh

Thursday 21st November

Physics of Emergence in Biological Science and Technology

Dr Alexandre Kabla

Tuesday 3rd December

Exoplanets (Eddington & gravitational lensing)

Dr Matt Bothwell




Thursday 23rd January

Engineering: where maths meets music

Dr Chris Hicks

Thursday 27th February 

Leonardo, Rapunzel, and the Physics of Hair

Prof Raymond E. Goldstein 
Tuesday 24th March Forecasting the Future of Energy Harnessing - Why is Solar so Important? Dr Kryzsztof Gałkowski 



Thursday 18th October

Transient astronomy: bursts, bangs and things that go bump in the night

Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Thursday 15th November

Exotic Magnetism: monopoles, and emergent order

Dr Sian Dutton
Thursday 6th December

Coffee Beans: Pressure, volume and temperature

Dr Bill Proud


Thursday 24th January

The fibre optic internet

Dr Seb Savory
Thursday 28th February

Crossrail and other large tunnels around the world

Prof Lord Robert Mair
Thursday 21st March

Einstein, General Relativity and Gravitational Waves

Prof Malcolm Longair



Tuesday 17th October


Dr. James Grime

Thursday 9th November

Natural Structure: Materials, Form and Force

Dr. Michael Ramage
Tuesday 5th December

Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life

Liz Kalaugher & Matin Durrani


Thursday 25th January

Planetary Magnetism: From Deep Time to Deep Space

Dr. Richard Harrison
Thursday 22nd February

Our Sun: Friend or Foe?

Dr. Helen Mason
Thursday 22nd March

Refreezing the Arctic

Dr. Hugh Hunt



Thursday 20th October

Sustainable materials in a low energy future

Prof. Julian Allwood
Tuesday 15th November

Magical Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Dr. Richard Ansorge
Tuesday 13th December

Physics of Superheroes

Prof. Alan Davies


Thursday 19th January

Science Needs Science Fiction

Prof. Mete Atature
Thursday 23rd February

When is a Structure a Musical Instrument? Adventures in Tuned Percussion

Prof. Jim Woodhouse
Thursday 16th March

Gaia: One Billion Pixels, One Billion Stars, One Amazing Satellite

Prof. Gerry Gilmore



Tuesday 6th October

Space - so what?

Anu Ohja OBE
Tuesday 10th November

Energy Arithmetic

Prof David Mackay
Thursday 3rd December

Fruitful flavour at the Large Hadron Collider

Dr Susan Haines


Thursday 14th January

Engineering Information

Dr Jossy Sayir
Thursday 4th February

The history, nuclear physics and radiobiology of polonium-210

Prof Paddy Regan
Tuesday 14th March

Dark Matter

Dr Carolin Crawford


Tuesday 14th October Physics of Juggling Dr Colin Wright
Thursday 13th November Relativity - understanding the connection between space and time Dr Julia Riley
Tuesday 2nd December Can science make a cyclist faster? Professor Tony Purnell
Tuesday 20th January How to levitate a frog using quantum physics Dr Michael Sutherland 
Tuesday 10th February Earthquake! Dr Alex Copley
Thursday 19th March Synchronised fireflies and balancing broomsticks (or why bridges wobble!) Allan McRobie


Thursday 17th October Physics of Superheroes Prof. Alan Davies
Thursday 14th November How Wings Work Prof. Holger Babinsky
Tuesday 3rd December Biophysics Dr Eileen Nugent 
Tuesday 21st January The Ever Expanding Universe and Dark Energy Prof. Carolin Crawford
Thursday 13th February Crystallography Dr Erica Bithell
Tuesday 18th March Spin Prof. Mark Warner