What does your the Astrophysics Research Group do?
I work in the Galaxy Formation and Evolution group in KICC, and am part of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES). The latter is one of the biggest groups in the world working on JWST data. We focus on understanding how galaxies form and evolve in time. A large part of our time is currently dedicated to observations taken with JWST.
What will you see in this exhibit?
Visitors will participate in an outreach talk describing JWST (how it works, why we use it, what we can see with it). The talk will use slides as visual aid, including images of how the Universe looks like through the eyes of JWST.
What physics is used?
We will discuss the electromagnetic spectrum of light, and cosmological redshift.
Why is it useful?
Students will learn broadly about astronomy, connecting simple physics concepts to the Universe. As a secondary goal, learning about the Universe in a friendly and simple manner will help the students create a positive relationship with science.